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There are 16 words containing RINGENC

STRINGENCYstringency n. A rigorous imposition of standards.
stringency n. A tightness or constriction.
stringency n. A scarcity of money or credit.
ASTRINGENCEastringence n. Alternative form of astringency.
ASTRINGENCE n. being astringent, also ASTRINGENCY.
ASTRINGENCYastringency n. An astringent taste.
astringency n. That which acts as an astringent, causing contraction of soft tissue to restrict the flow of blood.
ASTRINGENCY n. being astringent, also ASTRINGENCE.
REFRINGENCErefringence n. (Physics) refractive power; refraction.
REFRINGENCE n. refractivity, also REFRINGENCY.
REFRINGENCYrefringency n. The power of a substance to refract a ray.
REFRINGENCY n. refractivity, also REFRINGENCE.
ASTRINGENCESastringences n. Plural of astringence.
ASTRINGENCE n. being astringent, also ASTRINGENCY.
REFRINGENCESrefringences n. Plural of refringence.
REFRINGENCE n. refractivity, also REFRINGENCY.
STRINGENCIESstringencies n. Plural of stringency.
STRINGENCY n. the state of being stringent.
ASTRINGENCIESastringencies n. Plural of astringency.
ASTRINGENCY n. being astringent, also ASTRINGENCE.
BIREFRINGENCEbirefringence n. (Physics) The splitting of a ray of light into two parallel rays of perpendicular polarization by passage…
BIREFRINGENCE n. the refraction of light in an anisotropic material (as calcite) in two slightly different directions to form two rays.
CONSTRINGENCEconstringence n. (Physics, optics) A measure of a material’s dispersion (variation of refractive index with wavelength)…
CONSTRINGENCE n. the inverse of the dispersive power of a medium, also CONSTRINGENCY.
CONSTRINGENCYconstringency n. Alternative form of constringence.
CONSTRINGENCY n. the inverse of the dispersive power of a medium, also CONSTRINGENCE.
REFRINGENCIESrefringencies n. Plural of refringency.
REFRINGENCY n. refractivity, also REFRINGENCE.
BIREFRINGENCESbirefringences n. Plural of birefringence.
BIREFRINGENCE n. the refraction of light in an anisotropic material (as calcite) in two slightly different directions to form two rays.
CONSTRINGENCESconstringences n. Plural of constringence.
CONSTRINGENCE n. the inverse of the dispersive power of a medium, also CONSTRINGENCY.
CONSTRINGENCIESconstringencies n. Plural of constringency.
CONSTRINGENCY n. the inverse of the dispersive power of a medium, also CONSTRINGENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 22 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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