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There are 18 words containing REPLICA

REPLICAreplica n. An exact copy.
replica n. A copy made at a smaller scale than the original.
REPLICA n. a copy or reproduction.
REPLICABILITIESreplicabilities n. Plural of replicability.
REPLICABILITY n. the state of being replicable.
REPLICABILITYreplicability n. The ability or possibility of being replicated or reproduced (replicated).
REPLICABILITY n. the state of being replicable.
REPLICABLEreplicable adj. That can be replicated.
REPLICABLE adj. capable of replication.
REPLICANTreplicant adj. Replicative.
replicant n. (Science fiction) A robot or artificial being that is an exact copy of a genuine lifeform, especially a human.
replicant n. (Archaic) One who replies.
REPLICANTSreplicants n. Plural of replicant.
REPLICANT n. (in science fiction) an artificially created or cloned biological creature, esp. in human form.
REPLICASreplicas n. Plural of replica.
REPLICA n. a copy or reproduction.
REPLICASEreplicase n. An enzyme that catalyses the replication of a single-stranded RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecule.
REPLICASE n. a polymerase involved in synthesis of RNA.
REPLICASESreplicases n. Plural of replicase.
REPLICASE n. a polymerase involved in synthesis of RNA.
REPLICATEreplicate v. To make a copy (replica) of.
replicate v. (Sciences) To repeat (an experiment or trial) with a consistent result.
replicate v. (Obsolete) To reply.
REPLICATEDreplicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of replicate.
REPLICATE v. to make a replica of.
REPLICATESreplicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of replicate.
REPLICATE v. to make a replica of.
REPLICATINGreplicating v. Present participle of replicate.
REPLICATE v. to make a replica of.
REPLICATIONreplication n. The process by which an object, person, place or idea may be copied mimicked or reproduced.
replication n. Copy; reproduction.
replication n. (Law) A response from the plaintiff to the defendant’s plea.
REPLICATIONSreplications n. Plural of replication.
REPLICATION n. copying, reproduction.
REPLICATIVEreplicative adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing replication.
REPLICATIVE adj. of, relating to, involved in, or characterized by replication.
REPLICATORreplicator n. Something capable of self-replication, like a gene or meme.
replicator n. (Science fiction) A technological device that replicates physical objects.
REPLICATOR n. something or someone that replicates.
REPLICATORSreplicators n. Plural of replicator.
REPLICATOR n. something or someone that replicates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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