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There are 14 words containing REATIVE

ANTICREATIVEanticreative adj. Opposing creativity.
ANTICREATIVE adj. stultifying creativity.
CREATIVEcreative adj. Tending to create things, or having the ability to create; often, excellently, in a novel fashion, or…
creative adj. (Of a created thing) Original, expressive and imaginative.
creative adj. (Set theory) A type of set of natural numbers, related to mathematical logic.
CREATIVELYcreatively adv. In a creative manner.
CREATIVE adv. having the ability to create.
CREATIVENESScreativeness n. The state of being creative; creativity.
CREATIVENESS n. the state of being creative.
CREATIVENESSEScreativenesses n. Plural of creativeness.
CREATIVENESS n. the state of being creative.
CREATIVEScreatives n. Plural of creative.
CREATIVE n. a creative person.
ENTREATIVEentreative adj. Used in entreaty; pleading.
ENTREATIVE adj. (obsolete) used in entreaty; pleading.
MISCREATIVEmiscreative adj. Tending to create badly or wrongly.
MISCREATIVE adj. that creates imperfectly or improperly.
NONCREATIVEnoncreative adj. Not creative.
NONCREATIVE adj. not creative.
PROCREATIVEprocreative adj. Having the power to beget; generative.
PROCREATIVE adj. relating to procreation, also PROCREATIONAL.
PROCREATIVENESSprocreativeness n. The power of generating.
PROCREATIVENESS n. the state of being procreative.
RECREATIVErecreative adj. Being, or pertaining to, recreation.
recreative adj. Creating anew.
RECREATIVE adj. tending to recreate or refresh.
RECREATIVELYrecreatively adv. In a recreative manner; so as to amuse or divert.
RECREATIVE adv. tending to recreate or refresh.
UNCREATIVEuncreative adj. Not creative.
UNCREATIVE adj. not creative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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