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There are 18 words containing RUNNIN

BASERUNNINGbaserunning n. (Baseball) The act of running bases, or a player’s skill in doing so.
BASERUNNING n. attempting to perform a circuit of the bases.
BASERUNNINGSBASERUNNING n. attempting to perform a circuit of the bases.
FORERUNNINGforerunning v. Present participle of forerun.
FORERUN v. to run in advance of.
FRONTRUNNINGfrontrunning n. Alternative form of front running.
front-running n. Alternative spelling of front running.
front␣running n. (Finance) The illegal practice of a stockbroker who, on receiving a large client order, places an order…
FRONTRUNNINGSFRONTRUNNING n. the act of being a frontrunner, the leader in an event.
GUNRUNNINGgunrunning n. The smuggling of arms and ammunition.
GUNRUNNING n. smuggling guns into a country.
GUNRUNNINGSgunrunnings n. Plural of gunrunning.
GUNRUNNING n. smuggling guns into a country.
OUTRUNNINGoutrunning v. Present participle of outrun.
OUTRUN v. to run faster than.
OVERRUNNINGoverrunning v. Present participle of overrun.
OVERRUN v. to swarm over.
RERUNNINGrerunning v. Present participle of rerun.
re-running v. Present participle of re-run.
RERUN v. to show a repetition of a recorded performance.
RUNNINESSrunniness n. The state or characteristic of being runny or free-flowing.
RUNNINESS n. the state of being runny.
RUNNINESSESRUNNINESS n. the state of being runny.
RUNNINGrunning v. Present participle of run.
running adj. Moving or advancing at a run.
running adj. Present, current.
RUNNINGLYrunningly adv. In a running manner; so as to run.
RUNNING adv. flowing.
RUNNINGSrunnings n. Plural of running.
Runnings prop.n. Plural of Running.
RUNNING n. a race.
UNDERRUNNINGunderrunning v. Present participle of underrun.
underrunning n. A method of trawling in which the hooks are cleared and again baited in the same operation.
UNDERRUNNING n. the act of underrunning.
UNDERRUNNINGSUNDERRUNNING n. the act of underrunning.
UPRUNNINGuprunning v. Present participle of uprun.
UPRUN v. to run up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 231 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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