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There are 13 words containing RSECUT

PERSECUTEpersecute v. To pursue in a manner to do harm or cruelty to; especially, because of the victim’s race, sexual identity…
persecute v. To harass with importunity; to pursue with persistent solicitations; to annoy.
persecute v. To kill many of one species of animal, with the intent of removing them from human habitats.
PERSECUTEDpersecuted v. Simple past tense and past participle of persecute.
PERSECUTE v. to harass, afflict, hunt down, or put to death, esp. for religious or political opinions.
PERSECUTEEpersecutee n. One who is subjected to persecution.
PERSECUTEE n. one who is persecuted.
PERSECUTESpersecutes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of persecute.
PERSECUTE v. to harass, afflict, hunt down, or put to death, esp. for religious or political opinions.
PERSECUTORpersecutor n. A person or thing that persecutes or harasses.
PERSECUTOR n. one who persecutes.
PERSECUTEESpersecutees n. Plural of persecutee.
PERSECUTEE n. one who is persecuted.
PERSECUTINGpersecuting v. Present participle of persecute.
PERSECUTE v. to harass, afflict, hunt down, or put to death, esp. for religious or political opinions.
PERSECUTIONpersecution n. The act of persecuting.
persecution n. A program or campaign to subjugate or eliminate a specific group of people, often based on race, religion…
PERSECUTION n. the act of persecuting.
PERSECUTIVEpersecutive adj. Persecutory.
PERSECUTIVE adj. having the nature of persecution, also PERSECUTORY.
PERSECUTORSpersecutors n. Plural of persecutor.
PERSECUTOR n. one who persecutes.
PERSECUTORYpersecutory adj. Of or relating to persecution.
PERSECUTORY adj. having the nature of persecution, also PERSECUTIVE.
PERSECUTIONSpersecutions n. Plural of persecution.
PERSECUTION n. the act of persecuting.
UNPERSECUTEDunpersecuted adj. Not persecuted.
UNPERSECUTED adj. not persecuted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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