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There are 18 words containing RONOME

AERONOMERaeronomer n. One who studies aeronomy.
AERONOMER n. one who studies the earth's atmosphere, also AERONOMIST.
AERONOMERSaeronomers n. Plural of aeronomer.
AERONOMER n. one who studies the earth's atmosphere, also AERONOMIST.
ASTRONOMERastronomer n. One who studies astronomy, the stars or the physical universe; a scientist whose area of research is…
ASTRONOMER n. a person who is skilled in astronomy or who makes observations of celestial phenomena.
ASTRONOMERSastronomers n. Plural of astronomer.
ASTRONOMER n. a person who is skilled in astronomy or who makes observations of celestial phenomena.
CHIRONOMERchironomer n. One who performs chironomy.
CHIRONOMER n. a gesticulator.
CHIRONOMERSchironomers n. Plural of chironomer.
CHIRONOMER n. a gesticulator.
CHRONOMETERchronometer n. A device for measuring time, such as a watch or clock.
CHRONOMETER n. an instrument for measuring time.
CHRONOMETERSchronometers n. Plural of chronometer.
CHRONOMETER n. an instrument for measuring time.
CHRONOMETRICchronometric adj. Of or pertaining to a chronometer or to chronometry.
CHRONOMETRIC adj. relating to chronometry, also CHRONOMETRICAL.
CHRONOMETRICALchronometrical adj. Chronometric; measured by chronometer.
CHRONOMETRICAL adj. relating to chronometry, also CHRONOMETRIC.
CHRONOMETRIESchronometries n. Plural of chronometry.
CHRONOMETRY n. the measuring of time.
CHRONOMETRYchronometry n. The science of the measurement of time.
CHRONOMETRY n. the measuring of time.
GASTRONOMEgastronome n. A lover of good food; a connoisseur or gourmet.
GASTRONOME n. a connoisseur of good eating and drinking; a gourmet, also GASTROLOGER, GASTRONOMER.
GASTRONOMERgastronomer n. A lover of good food; a connoisseur or gourmet.
GASTRONOMER n. a connoisseur of good eating and drinking; a gourmet, also GASTROLOGER, GASTRONOME.
GASTRONOMERSgastronomers n. Plural of gastronomer.
GASTRONOMER n. a connoisseur of good eating and drinking; a gourmet, also GASTROLOGER, GASTRONOME.
GASTRONOMESgastronomes n. Plural of gastronome.
GASTRONOME n. a connoisseur of good eating and drinking; a gourmet, also GASTROLOGER, GASTRONOMER.
METRONOMEmetronome n. (Music) A device, containing an inverted pendulum, used to mark time by means of regular ticks at adjustable…
METRONOME n. a mechanical device which indicates the exact tempo of a piece of music by producing a clicking sound from a pendulum with an adjustable period of swing.
METRONOMESmetronomes n. Plural of metronome.
METRONOME n. a mechanical device which indicates the exact tempo of a piece of music by producing a clicking sound from a pendulum with an adjustable period of swing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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