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There are 10 words containing ROLIFE

PROLIFERATEproliferate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To increase in number or spread rapidly; to multiply.
PROLIFERATE v. to grow or increase in number rapidly.
PROLIFEROUSproliferous adj. Producing many offspring; prolific or proliferative.
proliferous adj. (Botany) producing many buds or offshoots from leaves or flowers.
proliferous adj. (Zoology) reproducing by budding.
PROLIFERATEDproliferated v. Simple past tense and past participle of proliferate.
PROLIFERATE v. to grow or increase in number rapidly.
PROLIFERATESproliferates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of proliferate.
PROLIFERATE v. to grow or increase in number rapidly.
PETROLIFEROUSpetroliferous adj. (Geology, petrology, of a rock or geologic formation) Containing or yielding petroleum.
PETROLIFEROUS adj. bearing petroleum.
PROLIFERATINGproliferating v. Present participle of proliferate.
PROLIFERATE v. to grow or increase in number rapidly.
PROLIFERATIONproliferation n. (Uncountable) The process by which an organism produces others of its kind; breeding, propagation, procreation…
proliferation n. (Countable) The act of increasing or rising; augmentation, amplification, enlargement, escalation, aggrandizement.
proliferation n. (Countable) The result of building up; buildup, accretion.
PROLIFERATIVEproliferative adj. (Not comparable, cytology) of or pertaining to proliferation, especially of cells.
proliferative adj. Proliferating; tending to proliferate.
proliferative n. Such a cell.
PROLIFEROUSLYproliferously adv. In a proliferous manner.
PROLIFEROUS adv. producing buds and/or new plants vegetatively.
PROLIFERATIONSproliferations n. Plural of proliferation.
PROLIFERATION n. a rapid increase in number.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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