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There are 11 words containing ROBUST

ROBUSTrobust adj. Evincing strength and health; strong; (often, especially) both large and healthy#Adjective.
robust adj. Violent; rough; rude.
robust adj. Requiring strength or vigor.
ROBUSTArobusta n. A plant of the African coffee plant species Coffea canephora.
robusta n. Beans, ground roasted beans, or beverage from the robusta coffee bean, used primarily in instant coffee…
ROBUSTA n. a kind of coffee grown in Africa.
ROBUSTASrobustas n. Plural of robusta.
ROBUSTA n. a kind of coffee grown in Africa.
ROBUSTERrobuster adj. Comparative form of robust: more robust.
ROBUST adj. strong and healthy.
ROBUSTLYrobustly adv. In a robust manner.
ROBUST adv. strong and healthy.
ROBUSTESTrobustest adj. Superlative form of robust: most robust.
ROBUST adj. strong and healthy.
ROBUSTIOUSrobustious adj. Boisterous.
ROBUSTIOUS adj. boisterous.
ROBUSTNESSrobustness n. The quality of being robust.
ROBUSTNESS n. the state of being robust.
ROBUSTIOUSLYrobustiously adv. In a robustious manner.
ROBUSTIOUS adv. boisterous.
ROBUSTNESSESrobustnesses n. Plural of robustness.
ROBUSTNESS n. the state of being robust.
ROBUSTIOUSNESSrobustiousness n. Quality of being robustious.
ROBUSTIOUSNESS n. the state of being robustious, robust.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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