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There are 9 words containing RISTAL

ANTIPERISTALSESantiperistalses n. Plural of antiperistalsis.
ANTIPERISTALSIS n. the action of intestinal waves of contraction contrary to normal, from anus to mouth, forcing the contents of the intestine upwards.
ANTIPERISTALSISantiperistalsis n. (Physiology) reversed peristalsis.
antiperistalsis n. (Physiology) peristalsis occurring in the opposite direction of the way it typically occurs.
ANTIPERISTALSIS n. the action of intestinal waves of contraction contrary to normal, from anus to mouth, forcing the contents of the intestine upwards.
ANTIPERISTALTICantiperistaltic adj. (Physiology) Of or relating to antiperistalsis.
antiperistaltic adj. (Pharmacology) That blocks or stops peristalsis.
antiperistaltic n. A drug that blocks peristalsis.
PERISTALITHperistalith n. A series of standing stones surrounding a barrow or burial mound.
PERISTALITH n. a prehistoric stone circle.
PERISTALITHSperistaliths n. Plural of peristalith.
PERISTALITH n. a prehistoric stone circle.
PERISTALSESperistalses n. Plural of peristalsis.
PERISTALSIS n. the movement of the food through the gut.
PERISTALSISperistalsis n. (Medicine) The rhythmic, wave-like contraction and relaxation of muscles so as to propagate motion…
PERISTALSIS n. the movement of the food through the gut.
PERISTALTICperistaltic adj. (Physiology) of or pertaining to peristalsis.
PERISTALTIC adj. relating to peristalsis.
PERISTALTICALLYperistaltically adv. In terms of, or by means of, peristalsis.
PERISTALTIC adv. relating to peristalsis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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