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There are 9 words containing RIPART

TRIPARTtripart adj. Having three parts.
TRIPART adj. divided into three parts.
TRIPARTISMtripartism n. The state or policy of being tripartite; separatism into three factions.
tripartism n. (Economics) A corporatist system in which trade unions, employers and government collaborate on the…
TRIPARTISM n. an established system of dialogue between three related groups.
TRIPARTITEtripartite adj. In three parts.
tripartite adj. Done by three parties (as an agreement).
TRIPARTITE adj. in three parts; between three parties or States.
TRIPARTISMSTRIPARTISM n. an established system of dialogue between three related groups.
TRIPARTITELYtripartitely adv. In a tripartite fashion; into three parts.
TRIPARTITE adv. in three parts; between three parties or States.
TRIPARTITIONtripartition n. A division by threes, or into three parts; the taking of a third part of any number or quantity.
tripartition v. (Transitive) To partition into three.
TRIPARTITION n. division into three parts.
QUADRIPARTITEquadripartite adj. Divided into four parts.
quadripartite adj. Involving four parties or participants; four-party.
quadripartite n. A treatise divided into four parts.
TRIPARTITIONStripartitions n. Plural of tripartition.
TRIPARTITION n. division into three parts.
QUADRIPARTITIONquadripartition n. A division into four parts.
quadripartition v. (Transitive) To partition into four.
QUADRIPARTITION n. division into four parts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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