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There are 19 words containing RINGLE

CRINGLEcringle n. (Nautical) A short piece of rope, arranged as a grommet around a metal ring, used to attach tackle to a sail etc.
cringle n. A withe for fastening a gate.
cringle v. (Nautical, transitive) To fasten or attach with a cringle.
CRINGLEScringles n. Plural of cringle.
CRINGLE n. a loop at the corner of a sail to which a line is attached.
RINGLEADERringleader n. A leader of a group of people, especially an unofficial group.
ringleader n. A person who starts and leads a disturbance (such as a riot), a conspiracy, or a criminal gang.
ring␣leader n. Alternative form of ringleader.
RINGLEADERSringleaders n. Plural of ringleader.
ring␣leaders n. Plural of ring leader.
RINGLEADER n. a leader of a ring of individuals engaged esp. in improper or unlawful activities.
RINGLESSringless adj. Without a ring.
RINGLESS adj. without a ring.
RINGLETringlet n. A small ring.
ringlet n. A lock, tress.
ringlet n. (Entomology) Any of various butterflies with small rings on the wings, in the tribe Satyrini of the…
RINGLETEDringleted adj. With the hair in ringlets.
ringleted v. Simple past tense and past participle of ringlet.
RINGLETED adj. of hair, styled in ringlets.
RINGLETIERRINGLETY adj. resembling or suggestive of a ringlet.
RINGLETIESTRINGLETY adj. resembling or suggestive of a ringlet.
RINGLETSringlets n. Plural of ringlet.
RINGLET n. a small ring.
RINGLETYringlety adj. Characterised by ringlets.
RINGLETY adj. resembling or suggestive of a ringlet.
SPRINGLEspringle n. (Rare) a trap to catch animals, using a spring mechanism.
springle v. (Rare) to sprinkle.
SPRINGLE n. a snare with a noose and spring, also SPRINGE.
SPRINGLESspringles n. Plural of springle.
springles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of springle.
SPRINGLE n. a snare with a noose and spring, also SPRINGE.
SPRINGLESSspringless adj. Without a spring or springs (bouncing motion, engineering component, etc).
springless adj. Without the season of spring.
SPRINGLESS adj. without a spring.
SPRINGLETspringlet n. A small, minor spring (water source).
SPRINGLET n. a little spring.
SPRINGLETSspringlets n. Plural of springlet.
SPRINGLET n. a little spring.
STRINGLESSstringless adj. Without string.
stringless adj. Without a hard fibrous strand running the length of one side of the pod.
STRINGLESS adj. having no strings.
TRINGLEtringle n. A curtain rod for a bedstead.
tringle n. A small moulding of rectangular cross section, in a Doric triglyph, etc.
tringle n. A strip of wood at the edge of a gun platform to turn the recoil of the truck.
TRINGLEStringles n. Plural of tringle.
TRINGLE n. a curtain-rod for a bedstead.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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