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There are 14 words containing RILLAS

ANTIGUERRILLASSorry, definition not available.
BANDERILLASbanderillas n. Plural of banderilla.
BANDERILLA n. a dart stuck into a bull at a bullfight.
BARILLASbarillas n. Plural of barilla.
Barillas prop.n. Plural of Barilla.
BARILLA n. (Spanish) the alkali plant; an impure alkali made by burning this.
CABRILLAScabrillas n. Plural of cabrilla.
CABRILLA n. (Spanish) a name applied to various species of edible fishes of the genus Serranus.
CAMARILLAScamarillas n. Plural of camarilla.
CAMARILLA n. (Spanish) a group of unofficial often secret and scheming advisors; a cabal.
CASCARILLAScascarillas n. Plural of cascarilla.
CASCARILLA n. (Spanish) a euphorbiaceous West Indian shrub; its aromatic bark.
CUADRILLAScuadrillas n. Plural of cuadrilla.
CUADRILLA n. (Spanish) the attendants of a matador.
GORILLASgorillas n. Plural of gorilla.
GORILLA n. a large ape.
GUERILLASguerillas n. Plural of guerilla.
GUERILLA n. a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army, also GUERRILLA.
GUERRILLASguerrillas n. Plural of guerrilla.
GUERRILLA n. a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army, also GUERILLA.
HYDRILLAShydrillas n. Plural of hydrilla.
HYDRILLA n. an aquatic plant used as an oxygenator in aquaria and pools.
PERILLASperillas n. Plural of perilla.
PERILLA n. (Latin) a genus of labiate herbs, of which one species is often cultivated for its purple or variegated foliage.
SARSAPARILLASsarsaparillas n. Plural of sarsaparilla.
SARSAPARILLA n. (Spanish) any tropical American plant of the genus Smilax; a drink or medicine prepared from it.
ZORILLASzorillas n. Plural of zorilla.
ZORILLA n. (Spanish) a small African mammal, also ZORIL, ZORILLE, ZORILLO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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