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There are 16 words containing RGRASS

AFTERGRASSaftergrass n. The grass that grows after the first crop has been mown.
after-grass n. Alternative spelling of aftergrass.
AFTERGRASS n. the grass that grows after the first crop has been mown; aftermath.
AFTERGRASSESaftergrasses n. Plural of aftergrass.
after-grasses n. Plural of after-grass.
AFTERGRASS n. the grass that grows after the first crop has been mown; aftermath.
BEARGRASSbeargrass n. Xerophyllum tenax, a grasslike perennial closely related to lilies, formerly used in basketweaving by…
beargrass n. A yucca plant, the silkgrass or Adam’s needle (Yucca spp., Nolina spp.).
BEARGRASS n. a North American plant.
BEARGRASSESbeargrasses n. Plural of beargrass.
BEARGRASS n. a North American plant.
CLOVERGRASSclover␣grass n. Clover (of genus Trifolium).
clover␣grass n. Halophila baillonis, a rare seagrass.
CLOVERGRASS n. clover as pasturage.
CLOVERGRASSESCLOVERGRASS n. clover as pasturage.
DEERGRASSdeergrass n. A species of grass native to the southwestern United States, Muhlenbergia rigens.
deergrass n. American perennial herbs with showy flowers in the genus Rhexia.
DEERGRASS n. a type of grass.
DEERGRASSESdeergrasses n. Plural of deergrass.
DEERGRASS n. a type of grass.
OVERGRASSOVERGRASS v. to grass over, conceal with grass.
OVERGRASSEDovergrassed adj. (Obsolete) Overstocked, or overgrown, or covered, with grass.
OVERGRASS v. to grass over, conceal with grass.
OVERGRASSESOVERGRASS v. to grass over, conceal with grass.
OVERGRASSINGovergrassing n. (Dated) Excessive grazing by livestock.
OVERGRASS v. to grass over, conceal with grass.
PEPPERGRASSpeppergrass n. Any of the pungent herbs of the cruciferous genus Lepidium, especially the garden peppergrass, or garden…
peppergrass n. The common pillwort of Europe (Pilularia globulifera).
PEPPERGRASS n. a wild plant, aka pepperwort.
PEPPERGRASSESpeppergrasses n. Plural of peppergrass.
PEPPERGRASS n. a wild plant, aka pepperwort.
SUPERGRASSsupergrass n. An informer providing substantial quantities of information on criminal or terrorist activities to the police.
SUPERGRASS n. a very important police informer.
SUPERGRASSESsupergrasses n. Plural of supergrass.
SUPERGRASS n. a very important police informer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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