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There are 12 words containing RESULT

RESULTresult v. To proceed, spring up or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances…
result v. (Intransitive, followed by "in") To have as a consequence; to lead to; to bring about.
result v. (Law) To return to the proprietor (or heirs) after a reversion.
RESULTSresults n. Plural of result.
results v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of result.
RESULT v. to follow as a consequence.
RESULTEDresulted v. Simple past tense and past participle of result.
RESULT v. to follow as a consequence.
RESULTANTresultant adj. Following as a result or consequence of something; resulting.
resultant n. Anything that results from something else; an outcome.
resultant n. (Mathematics) a vector that is the vector sum of multiple vectors.
RESULTFULresultful adj. Having results or effects.
RESULTFUL adj. having results or effects.
RESULTINGresulting adj. Of something that follows as the result of something else; resultant.
resulting v. Present participle of result.
RESULT v. to follow as a consequence.
RESULTANTSresultants n. Plural of resultant.
RESULTANT n. the product or outcome of something.
RESULTLESSresultless adj. Without result; lacking effect, success or accomplishment; fruitless.
RESULTLESS adj. being without result.
RESULTANTLYresultantly adv. As a result; because of this.
RESULTANT adv. resulting.
RESULTATIVEresultative adj. (Grammar) Indicating the state of a noun resulting from the completion of the action expressed by a…
resultative n. (Grammar) A grammatical construction that indicates the state of a noun resulting from the completion…
RESULTATIVE n. (in grammar) a phrase which describes the state of a noun by completing the verb phrase.
RESULTATIVESresultatives n. Plural of resultative.
RESULTATIVE n. (in grammar) a phrase which describes the state of a noun by completing the verb phrase.
RESULTLESSNESSresultlessness n. The state or condition of being resultless.
RESULTLESSNESS n. the state of being resultless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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