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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing RESPON

CORESPONDENTcorespondent n. (Law) One of two or more persons against whom a lawsuit is made; but especially a person charged with…
co-respondent n. Alternative form of corespondent.
CORESPONDENT n. a person named as guilty of adultery with the defendant in a divorce suit.
CORRESPONDEDcorresponded v. Simple past tense and past participle of correspond.
CORRESPOND v. to be in conformity or agreement.
IRRESPONSIVEirresponsive adj. That does not respond to stimuli; unresponsive.
IRRESPONSIVE adj. not responsive.
NONRESPONDERnonresponder n. A person who does not respond.
nonresponder n. (Medicine) A person who does not show an immune response to a virus after being vaccinated against it.
non-responder n. Someone who does not respond.
NONRESPONSESnonresponses n. Plural of nonresponse.
NONRESPONSE n. something that is not a response.
OVERRESPONDSoverresponds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overrespond.
OVERRESPOND v. to respond excessively.
RESPONDENCESrespondences n. Plural of respondence.
RESPONDENCE n. correspondence, agreement, also RESPONDENCY.
RESPONDENTIArespondentia n. (Law, commercial law) A loan upon goods laden on board a ship.
RESPONDENTIA n. a loan on a ship's cargo payable on safe arrival.
RESPONSELESSresponseless adj. Having or producing no response.
RESPONSELESS adj. without a response.
RESPONSIVELYresponsively adv. In a responsive manner.
RESPONSIVE adv. giving response.
RESPONSORIALresponsorial n. A book of liturgical responses.
responsorial adj. Of or pertaining to a response (in all senses).
responsorial adj. Responsive.
RESPONSORIESresponsories n. Plural of responsory.
RESPONSORY n. a set of responses sung or said after liturgical reading.
UNRESPONSIVEunresponsive adj. Not responsive; unreactive.
unresponsive adj. Indifferent or apathetic; emotionless.
UNRESPONSIVE adj. not responsive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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