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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing RONOMI

AERONOMIESAERONOMY n. the study of the upper atmosphere.
AERONOMISTaeronomist n. One who studies aeronomy.
AERONOMIST n. one who studies aeronomy, the science of the earth's atmosphere, also AERONOMER.
AGRONOMIALagronomial adj. Synonym of agronomic.
AGRONOMIAL adj. relating to agronomy, scientific agriculture.
AGRONOMICSagronomics n. The science of soil management and the production of field crops.
AGRONOMICS n. the science dealing with the management and productivity of land.
AGRONOMIESagronomies n. Plural of agronomy.
AGRONOMY n. rural economy.
AGRONOMISTagronomist n. A scientist whose speciality is agronomy.
AGRONOMIST n. one versed in agronomy; a student of agronomy.
ASTRONOMICastronomic adj. Pertaining or relating to astronomy.
astronomic adj. (Figurative) of very large or immense proportions; colossal.
ASTRONOMIC adj. related to astronomy, also ASTRONOMICAL.
CHIRONOMICchironomic adj. Relating to chironomy.
CHIRONOMIC adj. relating to gesticulation.
CHIRONOMIDchironomid n. (Entomology) Any of the non-biting midges or Chironomidae, a family of true flies within the order Diptera.
CHIRONOMID n. a member of a large genus of common midges.
METRONOMICmetronomic adj. Regular, periodic and repetitive, like a metronome.
METRONOMIC adj. of or like a metronome, also METRONOMICAL.
PRONOMINALpronominal adj. (Linguistics, grammar) Of, pertaining to, resembling, or functioning as a pronoun.
pronominal n. (Grammar) A phrase that acts as a pronoun.
PRONOMINAL adj. of or like a pronoun.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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