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There are 14 ten-letter words containing RALISM

AMORALISMSamoralisms n. Plural of amoralism.
AMORALISM n. the refusal to recognize the validity of any system of morality.
BIJURALISMSorry, definition not available.
CENTRALISMcentralism n. A system that centralizes, especially an administration of some kind.
CENTRALISM n. the tendency or policy of administering by the sovereign or central government matters which would be otherwise under local management.
CHLORALISMchloralism n. (Medicine) A morbid condition of the system resulting from excessive use of chloral.
CHLORALISM n. a morbid condition of the system resulting from excessive use of chloral.
FEDERALISMfederalism n. A system of national government in which power is divided between a central authority and a number of…
federalism n. The belief that such a system is superior to other forms of government.
federalism n. (Theology) Covenantalism.
GENERALISMgeneralism n. Generalization: lack of specialization.
GENERALISM n. the practice of studying many different things rather than specializing in one subject.
HUMORALISMhumoralism n. (Obsolete, medicine) The state or quality of being humoral.
humoralism n. (Obsolete, medicine) The doctrine that diseases proceed from the humours; humorism.
HUMORALISM n. the state of being humoral.
IMMORALISMimmoralism n. A philosophy that does not accept moral principles.
IMMORALISM n. rejection of morality.
LIBERALISMliberalism n. The quality of being liberal.
liberalism n. (Politics) Any political movement founded on the autonomy and personal freedom of the individual, progress…
liberalism n. (Economics) An economic ideology in favour of laissez faire and the free market (related to economic liberalism).
LITERALISMliteralism n. Literal interpretation or understanding; adherence to the exact letter or precise significance, as in…
literalism n. (Art) The style of art portraying a subject as literally and accurately as possible.
LITERALISM n. adherence to the explicit substance of an idea or expression.
NATURALISMnaturalism n. A state of nature; conformity to nature.
naturalism n. The doctrine that denies a supernatural agency in the miracles and revelations recorded in religious…
naturalism n. (Philosophy) Any system of philosophy which refers the phenomena of nature as a blind force or forces…
NEUTRALISMneutralism n. The state of being neutral; neutrality.
neutralism n. A political policy of nonalignment in a situation of conflict.
neutralism n. (Biology) The neutral theory of molecular evolution, holding that, at the molecular level, most evolutionary…
PLURALISMSpluralisms n. Plural of pluralism.
PLURALISM n. a theory or system of thought recognizing more than one ultimate principle.
SPIRALISMSSPIRALISM n. advancement through a spirally structured career.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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