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There are 14 words containing RWISE

AIRWISEairwise adj. Competent and familiar with aircraft or air travel.
AIRWISE adj. skillful in aviation.
OVERWISEoverwise adj. Excessively wise; too clever for one’s own good.
OVERWISE adj. too wise; affectedly wise.
PAIRWISEpairwise adj. Occurring in pairs; two at a time.
pairwise adv. In or by pairs.
PAIRWISE adv. in pairs.
ALTARWISEaltarwise adj. Placed in the manner of an altar, against the eastern wall of the chancel with the longer side parallel to that wall.
ALTARWISE adv. in the proper position of an altar, that is, at the east of a church with its ends towards the north and south.
OTHERWISEotherwise adv. (Manner) Differently, in another way.
otherwise adv. (Conjunctive) In different circumstances; or else.
otherwise adv. (Conjunctive) In all other respects.
STAIRWISEstairwise adj. In the manner of a set of stairs; rising in discrete steps.
stairwise adv. In the manner of a set of stairs; rising in discrete steps.
STAIRWISE adv. in the fashion of stairs.
TAPERWISEtaperwise adj. Tapering.
taperwise adv. Taperingly.
TAPERWISE adv. in tapering fashion.
CORNERWISEcornerwise adv. Diagonally.
CORNERWISE adv. with the corner in front, also CORNERWAYS.
DEXTERWISEdexterwise adj. (Heraldry, archaic) dexter; on the right-hand side from the wearer’s viewpoint.
DEXTERWISE adv. on the right-hand side e.g. of a shield.
MIRRORWISEmirrorwise adv. In the manner of a mirror reflection; reversed.
MIRRORWISE adv. in the fashion of a mirror.
OVERWISELYoverwisely adv. In an overwise manner.
OVERWISE adv. too wise; affectedly wise.
CHEQUERWISEchequerwise adj. Arranged in staggered rows, like the squares of a chequerboard.
chequerwise adv. Arranged in staggered rows, like the squares of a chequerboard.
CHEQUERWISE adv. in chequered fashion.
SCISSORWISEscissorwise adv. In the manner of scissors, with two blades (or similar) opening in opposite directions.
SCISSORWISE adv. in the fashion of scissors.
SINISTERWISEsinisterwise adj. (Heraldry, archaic) sinister; on the left-hand side from the wearer’s viewpoint.
SINISTERWISE adv. in left-handed fashion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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