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There are 19 words containing RSIST

PERSISTpersist v. (Intransitive) To go on stubbornly or resolutely.
persist v. (Intransitive) To repeat an utterance.
persist v. (Intransitive) To continue to exist.
PERSISTSpersists v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of persist.
PERSIST v. to continue resolutely.
PERSISTEDpersisted v. Simple past tense and past participle of persist.
PERSIST v. to continue resolutely.
PERSISTERpersister n. Something that persists.
persister n. (Biology) Any organism that survives a period of extreme conditions, such as winter or is tolerant of…
PERSISTER n. one who persists.
DISCURSISTdiscursist n. (Obsolete) A discourser.
DISCURSIST n. (obsolete) a disputer.
PERSISTENTpersistent adj. Obstinately refusing to give up or let go.
persistent adj. Insistently repetitive.
persistent adj. Indefinitely continuous.
PERSISTERSpersisters n. Plural of persister.
PERSISTER n. one who persists.
PERSISTINGpersisting v. Present participle of persist.
persisting n. Persistence.
PERSIST v. to continue resolutely.
PERSISTIVEpersistive adj. (Obsolete) persistent.
PERSISTIVE adj. (Shakespeare) persistent.
DISCURSISTSdiscursists n. Plural of discursist.
DISCURSIST n. (obsolete) a disputer.
PERSISTENCEpersistence n. The property of being persistent.
persistence n. (Computer science) Of data, the property of continuing to exist after the termination of the program.
persistence n. (Meteorology) Continuation of the previous day’s weather (particularly temperature and precipitation statistics).
PERSISTENCYpersistency n. (Uncountable) The state or characteristic of being persistent.
persistency n. (Countable) A measure of how much something persists.
PERSISTENCY n. the action or fact of persisting, also PERSISTENCE.
PERSISTENTSPERSISTENT n. something that is persistent.
IMPERSISTENTimpersistent adj. Not persistent; fleeting.
IMPERSISTENT adj. not persistent.
PERSISTENCESpersistences n. Plural of persistence.
PERSISTENCE n. the action or fact of persisting, also PERSISTENCY.
PERSISTENTLYpersistently adv. In a persistent manner.
PERSISTENT adv. persisting, lasting.
PERSISTINGLYpersistingly adv. With persistence.
PERSISTING adv. PERSIST, to continue resolutely.
NONPERSISTENTnonpersistent adj. Not persistent.
NONPERSISTENT adj. not persistent.
PERSISTENCIESpersistencies n. Plural of persistency.
PERSISTENCY n. the action or fact of persisting, also PERSISTENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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