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There are 8 words containing RSIGN

UNDERSIGNundersign v. To subscribe; sign one’s name at the foot of.
UNDERSIGN v. to write one's name at the foot or end of, as a letter or any legal instrument.
UNDERSIGNSundersigns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undersign.
UNDERSIGN v. to write one's name at the foot or end of, as a letter or any legal instrument.
COUNTERSIGNcountersign n. (Law) A second signature added to a document to affirm the validity of the signature of the first person.
countersign n. The response to a sign or signal.
countersign v. (Transitive) To sign on the opposite side of (a document).
UNDERSIGNEDundersigned adj. (Of a document) having signatures at the end or bottom.
undersigned adj. (Of a person) having signed at the end of a document.
undersigned n. The person or those people, mentioned in a document, whose names and signatures appear at the end.
COUNTERSIGNScountersigns n. Plural of countersign.
countersigns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of countersign.
COUNTERSIGN v. to sign with a signature attesting the authenticity of a document already signed by another.
UNDERSIGNINGundersigning v. Present participle of undersign.
UNDERSIGN v. to write one's name at the foot or end of, as a letter or any legal instrument.
COUNTERSIGNEDcountersigned v. Simple past tense and past participle of countersign.
COUNTERSIGN v. to sign with a signature attesting the authenticity of a document already signed by another.
COUNTERSIGNINGcountersigning v. Present participle of countersign.
COUNTERSIGN v. to sign with a signature attesting the authenticity of a document already signed by another.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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