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There are 18 words containing RSELY

ADVERSELYadversely adv. In an adverse manner.
ADVERSE adv. acting against.
ANTRORSELYantrorsely adv. (Biology) In an antrorse fashion.
ANTRORSELY adv. turned forward or upward.
AVERSELYaversely adv. Backward; in a backward direction.
aversely adv. With repugnance or aversion; unwillingly.
AVERSE adv. opposed, reluctant.
COARSELYcoarsely adv. In a coarse manner.
COARSE adv. rough, crude.
CONVERSELYconversely adv. (Often conjunctive) With a reversed relationship.
conversely adv. (Conjunctive, loosely) From another point of view; on the other hand.
CONVERSE adv. reversed, opposite.
DEXTRORSELYdextrorsely adv. In a dextrorse manner.
DEXTRORSE adv. rising spirally and turning to the left, also DEXTRORSAL.
DIVERSELYdiversely adv. In a diverse manner.
DIVERSE adv. varied.
HOARSELYhoarsely adv. With a dry, harsh voice.
HOARSE adv. rough and husky in sound.
INTRORSELYintrorsely adv. In an introrse manner.
INTRORSE adv. turned or facing inward.
INVERSELYinversely adv. In an inverse order or manner; by inversion.
INVERSE adv. opposite.
OBVERSELYobversely adv. In an obverse manner.
OBVERSE adv. turned towards one.
PERVERSELYperversely adv. In a perverse manner.
PERVERSE adv. wilfully deviating from desired or expected conduct.
RETRORSELYretrorsely adv. In a retrorse fashion.
RETRORSE adv. turned back or downward.
REVERSELYreversely adv. In a reverse manner; in the opposite sequence or direction.
reversely adv. Conversely; on the other hand.
REVERSE adv. in the opposite direction.
SINISTRORSELYsinistrorsely adv. In a sinistrorse manner.
SINISTRORSE adv. rising spirally and turning from right to left.
SPARSELYsparsely adv. In a scattered or sparse manner; widely apart; thinly.
SPARSE adv. thinly distributed.
TERSELYtersely adv. In a brief, concise, or to the point manner.
TERSE adv. succinct.
TRANSVERSELYtransversely adv. In a transverse manner.
TRANSVERSE adv. crossways.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 30 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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