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There are 13 words containing ROTAN

ROTANrotan n. (Singapore) A long rattan used to cane people as punishment for criminal acts.
rotan n. (Uncommon) Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii).
ROTAN n. (Malay) a climbing plant with long thin stems, also RATAN, RATTAN.
ROTANSrotans n. Plural of rotan.
ROTAN n. (Malay) a climbing plant with long thin stems, also RATAN, RATTAN.
PROTANDRYprotandry n. (Biology) The condition in which an organism begins life as a male and then changes into a female.
protandry n. (Botany) The condition of flowers whose male parts mature before the female ones.
protandry n. (Ethology) The arrival of males before females at a mating site.
PROTANOPEprotanope n. A person who has protanopia.
PROTANOPE n. a sufferer from protanopia, colour-blindness with respect to red.
PROTANOPESprotanopes n. Plural of protanope.
PROTANOPE n. a sufferer from protanopia, colour-blindness with respect to red.
PROTANOPIAprotanopia n. (Pathology) A form of color blindness. Involves a defect in distinguishing between red and green.
PROTANOPIA n. colour-blindness with respect to red.
PROTANOPICprotanopic adj. Exhibiting or relating to protanopia.
PROTANOPIC adj. colour-blind to red.
PROTANDRIESPROTANDRY n. the development of male organs before female to avoid self-fertilization.
PROTANDROUSprotandrous adj. (Biology) Exhibiting protandry.
protandrous adj. (Botany) Whose male parts (anthers) becomes mature before the female ones (stigma).
protandrous adj. (Botany) Whose male parts (antheridia) release their spermatozoids before the female parts (archegonia) mature.
PROTANOMALYprotanomaly n. A form of colour blindness causing a lower sensitivity to red light.
PROTANOMALY n. a form of colour blindness in which there is a decreased response to red.
PROTANOPIASprotanopias n. Plural of protanopia.
PROTANOPIA n. colour-blindness with respect to red.
PROTANOMALIESprotanomalies n. Plural of protanomaly.
PROTANOMALY n. a form of colour blindness in which there is a decreased response to red.
PROTANOMALOUSprotanomalous adj. Having or relating to protanomaly.
PROTANOMALOUS adj. afflicted with protanomaly, a form of colour blindness in which there is a decreased response to red.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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