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There are 13 words containing ROSAI

PROSAICprosaic adj. Pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose.
prosaic adj. (Of writing or speaking) Straightforward; matter-of-fact; lacking the feeling or elegance of poetry.
prosaic adj. (Main usage, usually of writing or speaking but also figurative) Overly plain, simple or commonplace…
PROSAICALprosaical adj. Alternative form of prosaic.
PROSAICAL adj. relating to prose; dull, banal, also PROSAIC.
PROSAICALLYprosaically adv. In a prosaic manner; straightforwardly.
PROSAICAL adv. relating to prose; dull, banal, also PROSAIC.
PROSAICALNESSprosaicalness n. The quality of being prosaic.
PROSAICAL n. relating to prose; dull, banal, also PROSAIC.
PROSAICALNESSESPROSAICALNESS n. PROSAICAL, relating to prose; dull, banal, also PROSAIC.
PROSAICISMprosaicism n. The quality or state of being prosaic; a prosaic manner or style.
PROSAICISM n. the quality of being prosaic.
PROSAICISMSprosaicisms n. Plural of prosaicism.
PROSAICISM n. the quality of being prosaic.
PROSAICNESSprosaicness n. The characteristic of being prosaic.
PROSAICNESS n. the state of being prosaic.
PROSAICNESSESPROSAICNESS n. the state of being prosaic.
PROSAISMprosaism n. A manner, quality, expression, style, phrase or word that is prosaic.
PROSAISM n. a prosaic style.
PROSAISMSprosaisms n. Plural of prosaism.
PROSAISM n. a prosaic style.
PROSAISTprosaist n. A person who writes prose.
prosaist n. A prosaic or commonplace person.
PROSAIST n. a writer of prose, also PROSER.
PROSAISTSprosaists n. Plural of prosaist.
PROSAIST n. a writer of prose, also PROSER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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