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There are 20 words containing RMONE

HORMONEhormone n. (Physiology) Any substance produced by one tissue and conveyed by the bloodstream to another to effect…
hormone n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound with the same activity.
hormone n. (Botany) Any similar substance in plants.
HORMONEShormones n. (LGBT, slang) Hormone replacement therapy.
hormones n. Plural of hormone.
HORMONE n. a secretion of the endocrine organs.
SERMONEDsermoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of sermon.
SERMON v. to preach a religious discourse.
SERMONERsermoner n. (Archaic, humorous or derogatory) A preacher; a sermonizer.
SERMONER n. a preacher; a sermonizer, also SERMONEER.
SERMONETsermonet n. A short sermon.
SERMONET n. a short sermon, also SERMONETTE.
SERMONEERsermoneer n. A sermonizer.
SERMONEER n. a preacher; a sermonizer, also SERMONER.
SERMONERSsermoners n. Plural of sermoner.
SERMONER n. a preacher; a sermonizer, also SERMONEER.
SERMONETSsermonets n. Plural of sermonet.
SERMONET n. a short sermon, also SERMONETTE.
SERMONEERSsermoneers n. Plural of sermoneer.
SERMONEER n. a preacher; a sermonizer, also SERMONER.
SERMONETTEsermonette n. A short sermon.
SERMONETTE n. a short sermon, also SERMONET.
ANTIHORMONEantihormone n. (Biochemistry) Any material that counteracts the effects of a hormone.
HORMONELIKEhormonelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a hormone.
HORMONELIKE adj. like a hormone.
SERMONETTESsermonettes n. Plural of sermonette.
SERMONETTE n. a short sermon, also SERMONET.
ANTIHORMONESantihormones n. Plural of antihormone.
NEUROHORMONEneurohormone n. Any hormone that stimulates the nervous system.
NEUROHORMONE n. a hormone (as acetylcholine or norepinephrine) produced by or acting on nervous tissue.
PARATHORMONEparathormone n. Parathyroid hormone.
PARATHORMONE n. a parathyroid hormone.
PHYTOHORMONEphytohormone n. A plant hormone.
PHYTOHORMONE n. a plant hormone, regulating growth.
NEUROHORMONESneurohormones n. Plural of neurohormone.
NEUROHORMONE n. a hormone (as acetylcholine or norepinephrine) produced by or acting on nervous tissue.
PARATHORMONESparathormones n. Plural of parathormone.
PARATHORMONE n. a parathyroid hormone.
PHYTOHORMONESphytohormones n. Plural of phytohormone.
PHYTOHORMONE n. a plant hormone, regulating growth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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