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There are 9 words containing RMION

FERMIONfermion n. (Particle physics, Standard Model) Any elementary or composite particle that has half-integer spin and…
FERMION n. a type of subatomic particle.
FERMIONSfermions n. Plural of fermion.
FERMION n. a type of subatomic particle.
SKYRMIONskyrmion n. (Physics) A topological soliton used in the mathematical modelling of baryons.
skyrmion n. (Physics) A magnetic particle which only contains one pole.
SKYRMION n. a mathematical model used to model baryons.
THERMIONthermion n. (Physics) An electrically charged particle, either an electron or an ion, emitted by a conducting material…
THERMION n. an ion emitted by a heated body.
FERMIONICfermionic adj. (Physics) Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fermions.
FERMIONIC adj. of or like a fermion.
SKYRMIONSskyrmions n. Plural of skyrmion.
SKYRMION n. a mathematical model used to model baryons.
THERMIONSthermions n. Plural of thermion.
THERMION n. an ion emitted by a heated body.
THERMIONICthermionic adj. Concerning the emission of electrons from a heated electrode.
THERMIONIC adj. relating to a thermion.
THERMIONICSthermionics n. The science dealing with thermionic emission.
THERMIONICS n. physics dealing with thermionic phenomena.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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