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There are 19 words containing RISCO

MORISCOmorisco n. Alternative letter-case form of Morisco.
Morisco n. (Historical) A Moor, especially one who had converted to Christianity.
Morisco n. (Architecture) The Moorish style of architecture.
IRISCOPEiriscope n. A philosophical toy for exhibiting the prismatic tints by means of thin films.
IRISCOPE n. an instrument showing colours of a prism.
MORISCOSmoriscos n. Plural of morisco.
Moriscos n. Plural of Morisco.
MORISCO n. an arabesque.
AURISCOPEauriscope n. An instrument for examining the condition of the ear.
AURISCOPE n. an instrument for examining the ear.
IRISCOPESiriscopes n. Plural of iriscope.
IRISCOPE n. an instrument showing colours of a prism.
MORISCOESmoriscoes n. Plural of morisco.
Moriscoes n. Plural of Morisco.
MORISCO n. an arabesque.
PERISCOPEperiscope n. A form of viewing device that allows the viewer to see things at a different height level and usually…
periscope n. (Obsolete): A general or comprehensive view.
periscope v. (Intransitive) To rise and peer around, in the manner of a periscope.
AURISCOPESauriscopes n. Plural of auriscope.
AURISCOPE n. an instrument for examining the ear.
AURISCOPICauriscopic adj. Relating to auriscopy.
AURISCOPIC adj. relating to an auriscope, an instrument for examining the ear.
PERISCOPESperiscopes n. Plural of periscope.
PERISCOPE n. a device (e.g. a tube with mirrors) by which an observer can look at something which is not in the direct line of sight.
PERISCOPICperiscopic adj. Relating to periscopes and their use.
PERISCOPIC adj. viewing all around, or on all sides.
POLARISCOPEpolariscope n. A polarimeter.
POLARISCOPE n. an instrument for detecting polarized light.
JURISCONSULTjurisconsult n. (Roman and civil law) A person authorised to give legal advice.
jurisconsult n. (Civil law) A master of civil law. Abbreviation: J.C.
jurisconsult n. (Law) A master of jurisprudence.
POLARISCOPESpolariscopes n. Plural of polariscope.
POLARISCOPE n. an instrument for detecting polarized light.
POLARISCOPICpolariscopic adj. Of or pertaining to the polariscope.
POLARISCOPIC adj. relating to use of the polariscope, an instrument for detecting polarized light.
JURISCONSULTSjurisconsults n. Plural of jurisconsult.
JURISCONSULT n. someone who is consulted on the law; a lawyer who gives opinions on cases put to him or her.
PERISCOPICALLYperiscopically adv. Using a periscope.
periscopically adv. With a similar movement to that of a periscope.
PERISCOPIC adv. viewing all around, or on all sides.
SPINTHARISCOPEspinthariscope n. (Historical) An early device for observing individual nuclear disintegrations.
SPINTHARISCOPE n. an instrument for visually detecting alpha particles.
SPINTHARISCOPESspinthariscopes n. Plural of spinthariscope.
SPINTHARISCOPE n. an instrument for visually detecting alpha particles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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