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There are 15 words containing RIPER

GRIPERgriper n. One who gripes.
griper n. (Archaic) An oppressor or extortioner.
GRIPER n. one who gripes.
GRIPERSgripers n. Plural of griper.
GRIPER n. one who gripes.
RIPERriper adj. Comparative form of ripe: more ripe.
RIPER n. one who gropes, ransacks.
RIPERSRIPER n. one who gropes, ransacks.
STRIPERstriper n. A device that applies stripes.
striper n. (Fishing) The striped bass, Morone saxatilis, a popular sport fish native to North America.
striper n. (Military) A person who is authorized to wear a certain number of stripes on his or her uniform.
STRIPERSstripers n. Plural of striper.
STRIPER n. a food and game fish.
TRIPERIEStriperies n. Plural of tripery.
TRIPERY n. a place that sells or processes tripe.
TRIPERSONALtripersonal adj. Consisting of three persons.
TRIPERSONAL adj. consisting of three persons.
TRIPERSONALISMtripersonalism n. (Christianity) Belief in a tripersonal God, comprising the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
TRIPERSONALISM n. belief in the Trinity.
TRIPERSONALISTtripersonalist n. A Trinitarian.
TRIPERSONALIST n. one who believes in the Trinity.
TRIPERSONALISTStripersonalists n. Plural of tripersonalist.
TRIPERSONALIST n. one who believes in the Trinity.
TRIPERSONALITYtripersonality n. The quality of being tripersonal.
TRIPERSONALITY n. the state of being tripersonal, consisting of three persons.
TRIPERYtripery n. A place where tripe is prepared or sold.
TRIPERY n. a place that sells or processes tripe.
UNRIPERunriper adj. Comparative form of unripe: more unripe.
UNRIPE adj. not mature enough.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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