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There are 11 words containing RIORA

PRIORATEpriorate n. The dignity, office, or government of a prior.
PRIORATE n. the state or office of a prior, also PRIORSHIP.
MYRIORAMAmyriorama n. A picture made up of several smaller pictures, drawn upon separate pieces so that they can be combined…
MYRIORAMA n. a picture consisting of many interchangeable parts.
PRIORATESpriorates n. Plural of priorate.
PRIORATE n. the state or office of a prior, also PRIORSHIP.
MYRIORAMASmyrioramas n. Plural of myriorama.
MYRIORAMA n. a picture consisting of many interchangeable parts.
DETERIORATEdeteriorate v. (Transitive) To make worse; to make inferior in quality or value; to impair.
deteriorate v. (Intransitive) To grow worse; to be impaired in quality; to degenerate.
DETERIORATE v. to make inferior in quality or value.
DETERIORATEDdeteriorated v. Simple past tense and past participle of deteriorate.
DETERIORATE v. to make inferior in quality or value.
DETERIORATESdeteriorates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deteriorate.
DETERIORATE v. to make inferior in quality or value.
DETERIORATINGdeteriorating adj. Getting worse.
deteriorating v. Present participle of deteriorate.
DETERIORATE v. to make inferior in quality or value.
DETERIORATIONdeterioration n. The process of making or growing worse, or the state of having grown worse.
DETERIORATION n. the act of deteriorating.
DETERIORATIVEdeteriorative adj. Causing deterioration.
DETERIORATIVE adj. tending to deteriorate.
DETERIORATIONSdeteriorations n. Plural of deterioration.
DETERIORATION n. the act of deteriorating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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