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There are 16 words containing RINGA

MYRINGAmyringa n. (Anatomy) Synonym of eardrum.
MYRINGA n. (Latin) the eardrum.
SERINGAseringa n. A rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis).
SERINGA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian tree yielding rubber.
SYRINGAsyringa n. (Archaic) sweet mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius).
syringa n. Hence any of several flowering plants of the genus Philadelphus, such as now in the Western United States…
syringa n. Any of several flowering plants, of the genus Syringa, such as the lilacs.
CHURINGAchuringa n. Alternative form of tjurunga.
CHURINGA n. (Native Australian) a sacred amulet of the Australian aborigines.
MYRINGASmyringas n. Plural of myringa.
MYRINGA n. (Latin) the eardrum.
SERINGASseringas n. Plural of seringa.
SERINGA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian tree yielding rubber.
SPRINGALspringal n. (Archaic) Alternative form of springald (“a youth”).
springal n. Obsolete form of springald (“military engine for launching stones and arrows”).
SPRINGAL n. (archaic) an active young man; a youth, also SPRINGALD.
SYRINGASsyringas n. Plural of syringa.
SYRINGA n. an ornamental shrub, aka mock orange.
CHURINGASchuringas n. Plural of churinga.
CHURINGA n. (Native Australian) a sacred amulet of the Australian aborigines.
SPRINGALDspringald n. (Archaic) A young man, a stripling, a youth.
springald n. (Historical) An ancient military engine for launching stones and arrows by means of a spring.
SPRINGALD n. (archaic) an active young man, also SPRINGAL.
SPRINGALSspringals n. Plural of springal.
SPRINGAL n. (archaic) an active young man; a youth, also SPRINGALD.
ALCHERINGAALCHERINGA n. (Native Australian) the dreamtime, also ALCHERA.
DISTRINGASdistringas n. (Law) A writ commanding the sheriff to distrain a person by his goods or chattels, to compel a compliance…
DISTRINGAS n. formerly, a writ directing a sheriff or other officer to distrain.
SPRINGALDSspringalds n. Plural of springald.
SPRINGALD n. (archaic) an active young man, also SPRINGAL.
ALCHERINGASALCHERINGA n. (Native Australian) the dreamtime, also ALCHERA.
DISTRINGASESdistringases n. Plural of distringas.
DISTRINGAS n. formerly, a writ directing a sheriff or other officer to distrain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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