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There are 20 words containing RIGRA

TRIGRAMtrigram n. Any of the eight combinations of three complete or broken lines forming half of a hexagram in Chinese…
trigram n. A trigraph.
trigram n. (Linguistics) a special case of the n-gram where n is 3, used in natural language processing for doing…
MARIGRAMmarigram n. (Oceanography) A printed record of tidal levels.
MARIGRAM n. a record of tide levels.
TRIGRAMStrigrams n. Plural of trigram.
TRIGRAM n. a cluster of three successive letters.
TRIGRAPHtrigraph n. (Linguistics) A specific sequence of three letters, especially one used collectively to represent a single phoneme.
trigraph n. (Computing) A three-character sequence used to enter a single conceptual character.
TRIGRAPH n. a combination of three letters for one sound.
MARIGRAMSmarigrams n. Plural of marigram.
MARIGRAM n. a record of tide levels.
MARIGRAPHmarigraph n. (Oceanography) A device used to measure tidal levels.
MARIGRAPH n. an instrument for recording tide levels.
SERIGRAPHserigraph n. A silkscreen print made by serigraphy.
serigraph n. An autographic device to test the strength of raw silk.
SERIGRAPH n. a silkscreen print.
TRIGRAPHStrigraphs n. Plural of trigraph.
TRIGRAPH n. a combination of three letters for one sound.
CIRRIGRADEcirrigrade adj. (Zoology) moved or moving by means of cirri.
CIRRIGRADE adj. moving or moved by cirri, or hairlike appendages.
MARIGRAPHSmarigraphs n. Plural of marigraph.
MARIGRAPH n. an instrument for recording tide levels.
SERIGRAPHSserigraphs n. Plural of serigraph.
SERIGRAPH n. a silkscreen print.
SERIGRAPHYserigraphy n. Screen printing, silk-screen printing (printing method).
serigraphy n. Screen print, screenprint (artwork).
SERIGRAPHY n. the making of silkscreen prints.
TRIGRAMMICtrigrammic adj. Alternative form of trigrammatic.
TRIGRAMMIC adj. relating to a trigram, also TRIGRAMMATIC.
TRIGRAPHICtrigraphic adj. Of or relating to a trigraph.
TRIGRAPHIC adj. of three letters, having one sound.
LATERIGRADElaterigrade adj. (Zoology, of legs) Designed to move sideways.
LATERIGRADE adj. having a sideways manner of moving, as a crab.
SERIGRAPHERserigrapher n. One who does serigraphy, or silk-screen printing.
SERIGRAPHER n. one who makes serigraphs, silkscreen prints.
SERIGRAPHICserigraphic adj. Relating to serigraphs.
SERIGRAPHIC adj. relating to serigraphy.
SERIGRAPHERSserigraphers n. Plural of serigrapher.
SERIGRAPHER n. one who makes serigraphs, silkscreen prints.
SERIGRAPHIESserigraphies n. Plural of serigraphy.
SERIGRAPHY n. the making of silkscreen prints.
TRIGRAMMATICtrigrammatic adj. Containing three letters or characters, or three sets of letters or characters.
TRIGRAMMATIC adj. relating to a trigram, also TRIGRAMMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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