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There are 20 words containing RIDIT

ARIDITYaridity n. A long-term lack of rainfall or moisture.
ARIDITY n. the state of being arid.
ACRIDITYacridity n. Bitterness or acerbity.
acridity n. An acrid taste or smell.
acridity n. (Figurative) Bitterness in speech or behaviour; causticness.
VIRIDITEviridite n. (Mineralogy) A greenish chloritic mineral common in certain igneous rocks.
VIRIDITE n. a green decomposition product in rocks.
VIRIDITYviridity n. The state or condition of being virid.
VIRIDITY n. the state of being virid, bright green.
ARIDITIESaridities n. Plural of aridity.
ARIDITY n. the state of being arid.
FLORIDITYfloridity n. (Uncountable) The property of being florid.
floridity n. (Countable) Something florid.
FLORIDITY n. the state of being florid, also FLORIDNESS.
HYBRIDITYhybridity n. Synonym of hybridism.
HYBRIDITY n. the state of being hybrid, also HYBRIDISM.
PUTRIDITYputridity n. The state of being putrid.
putridity n. Putrid matter.
PUTRIDITY n. the state of being putrid, also PUTRIDNESS.
TORRIDITYtorridity n. The property of being torrid.
TORRIDITY n. torridness.
VIRIDITESviridites n. Plural of viridite.
VIRIDITE n. a green decomposition product in rocks.
ACRIDITIESacridities n. Plural of acridity.
ACRIDITY n. the state of being acrid.
SCABRIDITYscabridity n. The quality of being scabrid.
SCABRIDITY n. (archaic) the state of being scabrid, scabrous.
VIRIDITIESviridities n. Plural of viridity.
VIRIDITY n. the state of being virid, bright green.
FLORIDITIESfloridities n. Plural of floridity.
FLORIDITY n. the state of being florid, also FLORIDNESS.
HYBRIDITIEShybridities n. Plural of hybridity.
HYBRIDITY n. the state of being hybrid, also HYBRIDISM.
PUTRIDITIESputridities n. Plural of putridity.
PUTRIDITY n. the state of being putrid, also PUTRIDNESS.
SEMIARIDITYsemiaridity n. The quality of being semiarid.
SEMIARIDITY n. the state of being semiarid.
TORRIDITIEStorridities n. Plural of torridity.
TORRIDITY n. torridness.
SCABRIDITIESSCABRIDITY n. (archaic) the state of being scabrid, scabrous.
SEMIARIDITIESSEMIARIDITY n. the state of being semiarid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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