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There are 15 words containing RICOR

MISERICORDmisericord n. Relaxation of monastic rules.
misericord n. The room in a monastery for monks granted such relaxation.
misericord n. A ledge, sometimes ornately carved, attached to a folding church seat to provide support for a person…
MISERICORDEmisericorde n. (Obsolete) An act of clemency; pity, mercy.
misericorde n. Alternative form of misericord.
miséricorde n. Alternative form of misericord.
MISERICORDESmisericordes n. Plural of misericorde.
miséricordes n. Plural of miséricorde.
MISERICORDE n. a bracket on a turn-up seat in a choirstall, allowing the user some support when standing, also MISERICORD.
MISERICORDSmisericords n. Plural of misericord.
MISERICORD n. a bracket on a seat in a choirstall, allowing the user some support when standing, also MISERICORDE.
NARICORNnaricorn n. Rhinotheca.
NARICORN n. the horny termination of a bird's nostril.
NARICORNSnaricorns n. Plural of naricorn.
NARICORN n. the horny termination of a bird's nostril.
SERRICORNserricorn adj. (Zoology) Having serrated antennae.
serricorn n. (Zoology) Any member of an obsolete taxonomic grouping within the beetles, the Serricornia, which was…
SERRICORN n. a kind of beetle with serrate antennae.
SERRICORNSserricorns n. Plural of serricorn.
SERRICORN n. a kind of beetle with serrate antennae.
TRICORNtricorn n. A three-sided hat with the brim turned up.
tricorn n. (Mathematics) A three-horned fractal.
tricorn adj. Having three horns or similar projections.
TRICORNEtricorne n. Alternative spelling of tricorn.
tricorne adv. Alternative spelling of tricorn.
TRICORNE n. a hat with the brim turned up on three sides, also TRICORN.
TRICORNEREDtricornered adj. That has three corners.
TRICORNERED adj. having three corners.
TRICORNEStricornes n. Plural of tricorne.
TRICORNE n. a hat with the brim turned up on three sides, also TRICORN.
TRICORNStricorns n. Plural of tricorn.
TRICORN n. a hat with the brim turned up on three sides, also TRICORNE.
TRICORPORATEtricorporate adj. Tricorporal.
TRICORPORATE adj. having three bodies and one head, also TRICORPORATED.
TRICORPORATEDTRICORPORATED adj. having three bodies and one head, also TRICORPORATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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