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There are 11 words containing RICON

LYRICONlyricon n. (Computing) A form of earcon or musicon that incorporates musically intoned speech.
LYRICON n. an electronic wind instrument like a large obverse flute.
LYRICONSlyricons n. Plural of lyricon.
LYRICON n. an electronic wind instrument like a large obverse flute.
PANEGYRICONpanegyricon n. (Christianity) In the Greek Orthodox Church, a collection of sermons for festivals.
PANEGYRICON n. a collection of sermons for Orthodox church festivals.
PERICONPERICON n. (Spanish) an Argentinan folk-dance performed by couples dancing in a ring.
PERICONESPERICON n. (Spanish) an Argentinan folk-dance performed by couples dancing in a ring.
QUADRICONEquadricone n. (Geometry) A quadric cone.
QUADRICONE n. a quadric cone, or cone having a conic as base.
QUADRICONESquadricones n. Plural of quadricone.
QUADRICONE n. a quadric cone, or cone having a conic as base.
SERICONsericon n. (Obsolete) A red tincture in alchemy.
SERICON n. a conjectural red or black tincture in alchemy.
SERICONSSERICON n. a conjectural red or black tincture in alchemy.
TRICONSONANTALtriconsonantal adj. (Phonetics) Involving three consonants.
triconsonantal n. A word or root (in particular in an Afroasiatic language) which consists of three consonants.
TRICONSONANTAL adj. having three consonants, also TRICONSONANTIC.
TRICONSONANTICtriconsonantic adj. Synonym of triconsonantal.
TRICONSONANTIC adj. having three consonants, also TRICONSONANTAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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