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There are 19 words containing RICAN

FRICANDOfricando n. Archaic form of fricandeau.
FRICANDO n. a roasted loin of veal, also FRICANDEAU.
JERRICANjerrican n. Alternative spelling of jerrycan.
JERRICAN n. a fuel container, also JERRYCAN.
FABRICANTfabricant n. One who fabricates; a manufacturer.
Fabricant prop.n. A surname.
FABRICANT n. (archaic) a manufacturer.
FLORICANEfloricane n. (Botany) A stem of some species of Rubus in its second year of growth, when it bears flowers.
FLORICANE n. the fruiting stem of a plant.
HURRICANEhurricane n. A severe tropical cyclone in the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or in the eastern…
hurricane n. (Meteorology) A wind scale for quite strong wind, stronger than a storm.
hurricane n. (Sports, aerial freestyle skiing) "full—triple-full—full" – an acrobatic maneuver consisting of three…
HURRICANOhurricano n. (Obsolete) A waterspout; a hurricane.
HURRICANO n. (Shakespeare) a hurricane.
JERRICANSjerricans n. Plural of jerrican.
JERRICAN n. a fuel container, also JERRYCAN.
LUBRICANTlubricant n. A substance used to reduce friction between objects or surfaces.
lubricant n. A personal lubricant.
LUBRICANT n. a substance used to reduce friction.
NIGRICANTnigricant adj. Of a blackish colour.
NIGRICANT adj. of a blackish colour.
FABRICANTSfabricants n. Plural of fabricant.
FABRICANT n. (archaic) a manufacturer.
FLORICANESfloricanes n. Plural of floricane.
FLORICANE n. the fruiting stem of a plant.
FRICANDEAUfricandeau n. Thinly sliced meat, especially veal, fried or stewed with a sauce; a fricassee.
FRICANDEAU n. (French) a thick slice of veal or similar meat, also FRICANDO.
FRICANDOESfricandoes n. Plural of fricando.
FRICANDO n. a roasted loin of veal, also FRICANDEAU.
HURRICANEShurricanes n. Plural of hurricane.
Hurricanes n. Plural of Hurricane.
HURRICANE n. a violent tropical storm, also HURRICANO.
LUBRICANTSlubricants n. Plural of lubricant.
LUBRICANT n. a substance used to reduce friction.
FRICANDEAUSfricandeaus n. Plural of fricandeau.
FRICANDEAU n. (French) a thick slice of veal or similar meat, also FRICANDO.
FRICANDEAUXfricandeaux n. Plural of fricandeau.
FRICANDEAU n. (French) a thick slice of veal or similar meat, also FRICANDO.
HURRICANOEShurricanoes n. Plural of hurricano.
HURRICANO n. (Shakespeare) a hurricane.
MESOAMERICANmesoamerican adj. Alternative form of Mesoamerican.
Mesoamerican adj. Of or pertaining to Mesoamerica.
Mesoamerican n. A native or inhabitant of Mesoamerica.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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