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There are 17 words containing RIANG

TRIANGLEtriangle n. (Geometry) A polygon with three sides and three angles.
triangle n. (US, Canada) A set square.
triangle n. (Music) A percussion instrument made by forming a metal rod into a triangular shape which is open at…
TRIANGLEDtriangled adj. Having three angles.
triangled adj. Located inside a triangle.
triangled adj. (Heraldry) Divided into triangles (said of the field).
TRIANGLEStriangles n. Plural of triangle.
triangles n. A largely tropical, Old World, erebid moth, Trigonodes hyppasia, with triangular markings on the wings.
TRIANGLE n. a polygon having three sides.
TRIANGULARtriangular adj. Shaped like a triangle.
triangular adj. Of, or pertaining to, triangles.
triangular adj. Having a triangle as a base; as, a triangular prism, a triangular pyramid.
TRIANGULATEtriangulate v. To locate by means of triangulation.
triangulate v. To pit two others against each other in order to achieve a desired outcome or to gain an advantage;…
triangulate adj. Triangular.
FORETRIANGLEforetriangle n. (Nautical) A triangular space on a sailing ship between the deck, foremast, and forestay.
FORETRIANGLE n. the triangular area formed by the deck, foremast, and headstay of a sailing vessel.
TRIANGULARLYtriangularly adv. In a triangular manner.
TRIANGULAR adv. having the form of a triangle.
TRIANGULATEDtriangulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of triangulate.
TRIANGULATE v. to survey, map, or determine by triangulation.
TRIANGULATEStriangulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of triangulate.
TRIANGULATE v. to survey, map, or determine by triangulation.
FORETRIANGLESforetriangles n. Plural of foretriangle.
FORETRIANGLE n. the triangular area formed by the deck, foremast, and headstay of a sailing vessel.
SUBTRIANGULARsubtriangular adj. (Botany, anatomy) Somewhat triangular.
SUBTRIANGULAR adj. not quite triangular.
TRIANGULARITYtriangularity n. The state or quality of having the shape of a triangle.
TRIANGULARITY n. the state of being triangular.
TRIANGULATELYtriangulately adv. In a triangulate manner.
TRIANGULATE adv. triagular.
TRIANGULATINGtriangulating v. Present participle of triangulate.
TRIANGULATE v. to survey, map, or determine by triangulation.
TRIANGULATIONtriangulation n. (Uncountable, surveying) A technique in which distances and directions are estimated from an accurately…
triangulation n. (Countable, surveying) The network of triangles so obtained, that are the basis of a chart or map.
triangulation n. (Countable, chess) A delaying move in which the king moves in a triangular path to force the advance of a pawn.
TRIANGULATIONStriangulations n. Plural of triangulation.
TRIANGULATION n. in geology, a method of locating an epicenter by determining how far it lies from three widely separated seismographs.
TRIANGULARITIEStriangularities n. Plural of triangularity.
TRIANGULARITY n. the state of being triangular.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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