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There are 7 words containing RESAR

BARESARKbaresark n. (Obsolete) A berserker, or Norse warrior who fought without armour.
BARESARK n. (Old Norse) a Norse warrior who fought without armour, or shirt of mail, also BERSERK, BERSERKER.
CHRESARDchresard n. (Dated) The portion of the water in a sample of soil that is available to vegetation (e.g. plant roots).
CHRESARD n. the total quantity of water in the soil available to plants.
BARESARKSbaresarks n. Plural of baresark.
BARESARK n. (Old Norse) a Norse warrior who fought without armour, or shirt of mail, also BERSERK, BERSERKER.
CHRESARDSchresards n. Plural of chresard.
CHRESARD n. the total quantity of water in the soil available to plants.
IMPRESARIimpresari n. Plural of impresario.
IMPRESARIO n. an organizer, promoter, or manager of public entertainments, such as a ballet, opera, concert, or theater company.
IMPRESARIOimpresario n. A manager or producer in the entertainment industry, especially music or theatre.
IMPRESARIO n. an organizer, promoter, or manager of public entertainments, such as a ballet, opera, concert, or theater company.
IMPRESARIOSimpresarios n. Plural of impresario.
IMPRESARIO n. an organizer, promoter, or manager of public entertainments, such as a ballet, opera, concert, or theater company.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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