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There are 12 words containing RESAL

PRESALEpresale n. The sale of something privately, before it is available to the public.
presale n. The sale of a property before it is built.
PRESALE n. a sale of a product before it is generally available.
PRESALESpresales n. Plural of presale.
presales adj. Before a product is sold.
PRESALE n. a sale of a product before it is generally available.
RESALABLEresalable adj. Capable of being resold.
RESALABLE adj. that can be resold.
RESALEresale n. The action of selling something previously bought, usually at a higher price for profit.
resale adj. Of or pertaining to selling on.
RESALE n. the act of selling again.
RESALEABLEresaleable adj. Alternative form of resalable.
RESALEABLE adj. that can be resold.
RESALESresales n. Plural of resale.
RESALE n. the act of selling again.
RESALGARresalgar n. Obsolete form of realgar.
RESALGAR n. (obsolete) a bright-red monoclinic mineral, also REALGAR.
RESALGARSRESALGAR n. (obsolete) a bright-red monoclinic mineral, also REALGAR.
RESALUTEresalute v. (Obsolete) To greet in return.
resalute v. (Now rare) To salute again.
RESALUTE v. to salute again.
RESALUTEDresaluted v. Simple past tense and past participle of resalute.
RESALUTE v. to salute again.
RESALUTESresalutes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of resalute.
RESALUTE v. to salute again.
RESALUTINGresaluting v. Present participle of resalute.
RESALUTE v. to salute again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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