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There are 18 words containing RENTE

BRENTERBRENT adj. (Scots) lofty, steep.
BRENTESTBRENT adj. (Scots) lofty, steep.
COPARENTEDcoparented v. Simple past tense and past participle of coparent.
co-parented v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-parent.
COPARENT v. to share the parenting of.
OVERENTERTAINEDoverentertained adj. Entertained too much.
OVERENTERTAINED adj. excessively entertained.
PARENTEDparented v. Simple past tense and past participle of parent.
parented adj. (In combination) Having the specified kind or number of parents.
PARENT v. to act as father or mother.
PARENTERALparenteral adj. (Medicine) Administered by some means that avoids the gastrointestinal tract, particularly intravenously…
PARENTERAL adj. entering the body by injection rather than through digestion.
PARENTERALLYparenterally adv. In a parenteral manner.
PARENTERAL adv. entering the body by injection rather than through digestion.
PRENTEDPRENT v. (Scots) to print.
RENTErente n. In France, interest payable by government on indebtedness; the bonds, shares, stocks, etc. that represent…
RENTE n. (French) French or other government securities or income from them.
RENTEDrented v. Simple past tense and past participle of rent.
RENT v. to hire.
RENTERrenter n. One who rents property or other goods from another.
renter n. (Law) One who owns or controls property and rents that property to another.
renter n. (UK, slang) (Synonym of rent boy) Male prostitute.
RENTERSrenters n. Plural of renter.
RENTER n. one who rents.
RENTESrentes n. Plural of rente.
RENTE n. (French) French or other government securities or income from them.
RERENTEDrerented v. Simple past tense and past participle of rerent.
RERENT v. to rent again.
SPRENTEDsprented v. Simple past tense and past participle of sprent.
SPRENT v. to spring or leap forward in an agile way.
SUBRENTEDsubrented v. Simple past tense and past participle of subrent.
SUBRENT v. to sublet or rent out (a property that is already rented).
UNPARENTEDunparented adj. Having no parent, or no acknowledged parent.
UNPARENTED adj. having no parent, or no acknowledged parent.
UNRENTEDunrented adj. Not rented.
UNRENTED adj. not rented.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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