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There are 10 words containing REANT

CREANTcreant adj. Creative; formative.
CREANT adj. (Latin) creating, formative.
FLOREANTFLOREANT v. (Latin) may they flourish.
MISCREANTmiscreant adj. Lacking in conscience or moral principles; unscrupulous.
miscreant adj. (Theology) Holding an incorrect religious belief.
miscreant n. One who has behaved badly, or illegally.
MISCREANTSmiscreants n. Plural of miscreant.
MISCREANT n. originally, a misbeliever, a heretic; hence, a despicable person.
PROCREANTprocreant adj. That procreates.
procreant adj. Of or pertaining to procreation; procreative.
procreant n. One who, or that which, procreates.
PROCREANTSprocreants n. Plural of procreant.
PROCREANT n. a person who or thing which procreates.
RECREANTrecreant adj. (Now rare, poetic) Having admitted defeat and surrendered; defeated.
recreant adj. (Now poetic, literary) Unfaithful to someone, or to one’s duties or honour; disloyal, false.
recreant n. Somebody who is recreant, who yields in combat; a coward or traitor.
RECREANTLYrecreantly adv. In a recreant manner.
RECREANT adv. (archaic) cowardly, apostate.
RECREANTSrecreants n. Plural of recreant.
RECREANT n. a coward; an apostate.
SEGREANTsegreant adj. (Heraldry) A posture of winged quadrupeds: rampant, wings elevated and addorsed.
SEGREANT adj. in heraldry, with raised wings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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