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There are 14 words containing RBITE

ARBITERarbiter n. A person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them; an arbitrator.
arbiter n. (With of) A person or object having the power of judging and determining, or ordaining, without control;…
arbiter n. (Electronics) A component in circuitry that allocates scarce resources.
ARBITERSarbiters n. Plural of arbiter.
ARBITER n. (Latin) a person with power to decide a dispute, a judge.
DEORBITEDdeorbited v. Simple past tense and past participle of deorbit.
DEORBIT v. to come out of orbit.
ORBITEDorbited v. Simple past tense and past participle of orbit.
ORBIT v. to revolve around.
ORBITERorbiter n. An object that orbits another, especially a spacecraft that orbits a planet etc. without landing on it.
orbiter n. (Slang, seduction community) A person who constantly hangs around with someone they are attracted to…
ORBITER n. a spacecraft that orbits.
ORBITERSorbiters n. Plural of orbiter.
ORBITER n. a spacecraft that orbits.
OVERBITEoverbite n. (Dentistry) A malocclusion in which the upper teeth extend over the lower ones.
overbite v. To use excessive acid in an etching process, so that the result is too deep.
OVERBITE n. the overlapping of the lower by the upper teeth; esp. vertical overlapping of the incisors.
OVERBITESoverbites n. Plural of overbite.
OVERBITE n. the overlapping of the lower by the upper teeth; esp. vertical overlapping of the incisors.
SORBITEsorbite n. (Obsolete) Pearlite.
sorbite n. (Obsolete) Sorbitol.
SORBITE n. a fine-grained constituent of steel formed of ferrite and cementite.
SORBITESsorbites n. Plural of sorbite.
SORBITE n. a fine-grained constituent of steel formed of ferrite and cementite.
UNDERBITEunderbite n. A malocclusion, in which the lower teeth extend past the upper ones.
underbite v. To use insufficient acid in an etching process, so that the result is too shallow.
UNDERBITE v. to bite insufficiently with acid, as in etching.
UNDERBITESunderbites n. Plural of underbite.
UNDERBITE v. to bite insufficiently with acid, as in etching.
YTTERBITEytterbite n. (Obsolete) Gadolinite: a black, vitreous mineral consisting primarily of silicates of various rare earths…
YTTERBITE n. the mineral gadolinite.
YTTERBITESYTTERBITE n. the mineral gadolinite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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