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There are 17 words containing RAPHA

AGRAPHAagrapha n. Plural of agraphon.
AGRAPHON n. (Greek) a saying of Jesus not found in the canonical gospels.
PARAPHASIAparaphasia n. (Pathology) A symptom of aphasia in which the sufferer substitutes a spoken word different from the one intended.
PARAPHASIA n. a disorder in which one word substituted for another.
PARAPHASIASparaphasias n. Plural of paraphasia.
PARAPHASIA n. a disorder in which one word substituted for another.
PARAPHASICparaphasic adj. Relating to paraphasia.
PARAPHASIC adj. of or like paraphasia, a disorder in which one word substituted for another.
PSEUDEPIGRAPHApseudepigrapha n. Writings falsely ascribed to famous persons (historical or mythical) to lend them greater legitimacy…
PSEUDEPIGRAPHA n. spurious writings, esp. writings falsely attributed to biblical characters or times (plural of 16-letter pseudepigraphon.
RAPHAEraphae n. Plural of raphe.
RAPHE n. (Greek) a seamlike ridge between two halves or an organ or part, also RHAPHE.
RAPHANIAraphania n. Poisoning by ingestion of seeds of the wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum.
RAPHANIA n. (Greek) a form of ergotism, attributed by Linnaeus to wild radish.
RAPHANIASraphanias n. Plural of raphania.
RAPHANIA n. (Greek) a form of ergotism, attributed by Linnaeus to wild radish.
STRAPHANGstraphang v. (Intransitive) To ride public transport while standing and holding onto a strap.
strap-hang v. Alternative form of straphang.
STRAPHANG v. of a passenger in a train or bus, to hold on to a strap for safety.
STRAPHANGEDSTRAPHANG v. of a passenger in a train or bus, to hold on to a strap for safety.
STRAPHANGERstraphanger n. A person who travels using public transportation (often standing up and holding on to a strap).
STRAPHANGER n. a standing passenger in a train, bus, etc. who holds on to a strap for safety.
STRAPHANGERSstraphangers n. Plural of straphanger.
STRAPHANGER n. a standing passenger in a train, bus, etc. who holds on to a strap for safety.
STRAPHANGINGstraphanging v. Present participle of straphang.
strap-hanging adj. Relating to standing passengers, hanging on to a strap or rail provided in a bus or train.
strap-hanging v. Present participle of strap-hang.
STRAPHANGINGSSTRAPHANGING n. the act of straphanging.
STRAPHANGSstraphangs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of straphang.
STRAPHANG v. of a passenger in a train or bus, to hold on to a strap for safety.
SULFORAPHANEsulforaphane n. (Organic chemistry, medicine) An antimicrobial compound, 1-isothiocyanato-4-methylsulfinylbutane, that…
SULFORAPHANESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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