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There are 19 words containing RAINT

SPRAINTspraint n. A piece of otter dung. Usually used when referring to the observation and tracking of otters.
SPRAINT n. otter's dung.
STRAINTstraint n. (Obsolete) overexertion; excessive tension; strain.
STRAINT n. (Spenser) pressure.
SPRAINTSspraints n. Plural of spraint.
SPRAINT n. otter's dung.
STRAINTSSTRAINT n. (Spenser) pressure.
DISTRAINTdistraint n. (Law) The legal right of a landlord to seize the property of a tenant in the event of nonpayment of rent.
DISTRAINT n. seizure of goods.
RAINTIGHTraintight adj. So tight as to exclude rain.
RAINTIGHT adj. rainproof.
RESTRAINTrestraint n. (Countable) something that restrains, ties, fastens or secures.
restraint n. (Uncountable) control or caution; reserve.
RESTRAINT n. the act of restraining.
CONSTRAINTconstraint n. Something that constrains; a restriction.
constraint n. An irresistible force or compulsion.
constraint n. The repression of one’s feelings.
DISTRAINTSdistraints n. Plural of distraint.
DISTRAINT n. seizure of goods.
RESTRAINTSrestraints n. Plural of restraint.
RESTRAINT n. the act of restraining.
SUZERAINTYsuzerainty n. A relation between states in which a subservient nation has its own government, but is unable to take…
suzerainty n. The status or power of a suzerain.
SUZERAINTY n. the dominion or authority of a suzerain.
BRAINTEASERbrainteaser n. (Informal) A difficult problem or puzzle.
brain-teaser n. A complex riddle or puzzle.
BRAINTEASER n. something (as a puzzle) that demands mental effort and acuity for its solution.
CONSTRAINTSconstraints n. Plural of constraint.
CONSTRAINT n. the act of constraining.
UNRESTRAINTunrestraint n. Lack of restraint; the quality of being unrestrained.
UNRESTRAINT n. freedom from or lack of restraint.
BRAINTEASERSbrainteasers n. Plural of brainteaser.
brain-teasers n. Plural of brain-teaser.
BRAINTEASER n. something (as a puzzle) that demands mental effort and acuity for its solution.
SUZERAINTIESsuzerainties n. Plural of suzerainty.
SUZERAINTY n. the dominion or authority of a suzerain.
UNCONSTRAINTunconstraint n. Freedom from constraint.
UNCONSTRAINT n. freedom from constraint.
UNRESTRAINTSunrestraints n. Plural of unrestraint.
UNRESTRAINT n. freedom from or lack of restraint.
UNCONSTRAINTSUNCONSTRAINT n. freedom from constraint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 110 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 108 words
  • Scrabble in German: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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