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There are 10 nine-letter words containing ROSTA

AEROSTATSaerostats n. Plural of aerostat.
AEROSTAT n. any lighter-than-air craft e.g. a blimp or balloon, as opposed to an aerodyne.
BAROSTATSbarostats n. Plural of barostat.
BAROSTAT n. an automatic device for regulating pressure, e.g. in an aircraft.
CROSTATAScrostatas n. Plural of crostata.
CROSTATA n. (Italian) a type of fruit tart.
GYROSTATSgyrostats n. Plural of gyrostat.
GYROSTAT n. a type of stabilising device.
HYDROSTAThydrostat n. A mechanism that regulates the amount of water in a boiler.
hydrostat n. (Biology) A muscle tissue, composed mostly of water, that maintains a constant volume during contraction.
HYDROSTAT n. a contrivance or apparatus to prevent the explosion of steam boilers.
HYGROSTAThygrostat n. A device that maintains a constant level of humidity.
HYGROSTAT n. a machine for regulating the humidity of air.
PROSTATESprostates n. Plural of prostate.
PROSTATE n. a gland in males at the neck of the bladder, which releases a liquid that forms part of semen.
PROSTATICprostatic adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the prostate gland.
PROSTATIC adj. of or pertaining to the prostate gland.
PYROSTATSpyrostats n. Plural of pyrostat.
PYROSTAT n. an automatic fire-alarm and extinguisher; a thermostat.
STAROSTASstarostas n. Plural of starosta.
STAROSTA n. (Russian) a village headman; a Polish noble holding a starosty or domain bestowed by the crown.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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