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There are 14 nine-letter words containing ROLIT

ACROLITHSacroliths n. Plural of acrolith.
ACROLITH n. (Greek) a statue with a wooden trunk and stone head and extremities.
AEROLITESaerolites n. Plural of aerolite.
AEROLITE n. a meteorite.
AEROLITHSaeroliths n. Plural of aerolith.
AEROLITH n. a meteorite.
AEROLITICaerolitic adj. Of or pertaining to aerolites.
AEROLITIC adj. of or pertaining to aerolites; meteoric; as, aerolitic iron.
COPROLITEcoprolite n. A fossil consisting of petrified dung.
COPROLITE n. fossilized excrement, also COPROLITH.
COPROLITHcoprolith n. Fecaloma.
coprolith n. (Rare) coprolite.
COPROLITH n. fossilized excrement, also COPROLITE.
FAROLITOSfarolitos n. Plural of farolito.
FAROLITO n. a paper lantern used by Hispanic people in Christmas processions.
FIBROLITEfibrolite n. (Mineralogy) Sillimanite.
FIBROLITE n. (tradename) a type of building board containing asbestos and cement , also FIBRO, FIBROCEMENT.
GYROLITESgyrolites n. Plural of gyrolite.
GYROLITE n. a mineral, hydrated calcium silicate.
MICROLITEmicrolite n. (Mineralogy) A basic fluoride of sodium, calcium, tantalum and niobium that is isomorphous with pyrochlore.
microlite n. (Archaeology) A microlith.
MICROLITE n. a rare mineral of resinous luster and high specific gravity, a tantalate of calcium.
MICROLITHmicrolith n. (Archaeology) A small stone tool.
microlith n. The microscopic acicular components of rocks.
MICROLITH n. a very small stone tool.
NATROLITEnatrolite n. (Mineralogy) A fibrous zeolite mineral, being a sodium aluminosilicate, of the chemical formula Na2
NATROLITE n. a common fibrous zeolite, hydrated sodium aluminium silicate.
SAPROLITEsaprolite n. A chemically weathered rock.
SAPROLITE n. a soft, partially decomposed rock that has remained in its original site.
UROLITHICurolithic adj. Of or pertaining to a urolith.
UROLITHIC adj. of or like a urolith, a calculus in the urinary tract.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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