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There are 15 nine-letter words containing RICAL

CENTRICALcentrical adj. In or by the center; central.
centrical adj. Containing a center.
CENTRICAL adj. placed in the center or middle; central, also CENTRIC.
CLERICALSclericals n. Plural of clerical.
CLERICAL n. a member of the clergy, also CLERIC.
EMPIRICALempirical adj. Pertaining to or based on experience (often, in contrast with having a basis in theoretical explanation).
empirical adj. Pertaining to, derived from, or testable by observations made using the physical senses or using instruments…
empirical adj. (Philosophy of science) Verifiable by means of scientific experimentation.
ETHERICALetherical adj. Synonym of etheric.
ETHERICAL adj. relating to the ether, also AETHERIC, ETHERIC.
GENERICALgenerical adj. Generic.
GENERICAL adj. general; applicable to any of a group or class, also GENERIC.
ICTERICALicterical adj. Dated form of icteric.
ICTERICAL n. a remedy for icterus, jaundice, also ICTERIC.
LUMBRICALlumbrical adj. Worm-like.
lumbrical n. (Anatomy) Any of the four small muscles of the palm of the hand that arise from tendons of the flexor…
lumbrical n. (Anatomy) Any of four small muscles of the foot homologous to the lumbricals of the hand that arise…
LYRICALLYlyrically adv. In a manner that is pleasing to hear, as singing or speaking; in a lyrical manner.
lyrically adv. In terms of the lyrics.
LYRICAL adv. having the form of a song.
NUMERICALnumerical adj. Of or pertaining to numbers.
numerical adj. (Obsolete) The same in number; hence, identically the same; identical.
NUMERICAL adj. relating to number, also NUMERIC.
ORICALCHEoricalche n. Obsolete form of orichalch.
ORICALCHE n. (Spenser) a gold-coloured alloy, also ORICHALC.
SATIRICALsatirical adj. Of, pertaining to, or connected with satire.
SATIRICAL adj. of or like satire, also SATIRIC.
SATYRICALsatyrical adj. Satyric.
SATYRICAL adj. of satyrs; having a chorus of satyrs, also SATYRIC.
SPHERICALspherical adj. (Geometry) Shaped like a sphere.
spherical adj. (Geometry, not comparable) Of, or pertaining to, spheres.
spherical adj. (Mathematics) Of a coordinate system, specifying the location of a point in a plane by using a radius and two angles.
UNLYRICALunlyrical adj. Not lyrical.
UNLYRICAL adj. not lyrical.
XERICALLYxerically adv. In a xeric way.
XERIC adv. requiring only a small amount of moisture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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