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There are 10 nine-letter words containing RESIS

APHERESISapheresis n. (Linguistics, prosody) Elision, suppression, or complete loss of a letter or sound (syllable) from the…
apheresis n. (Medicine, specific, still current) The removal of blood from a patient, and the removal of certain…
apheresis n. (Medicine, general, obsolete) Extirpation or extraction of a superfluity (especially a pathological…
DIAERESISdiaeresis n. (Orthography) A diacritic ( ¨ ) placed over a vowel letter (especially the second of two consecutive…
diaeresis n. (Linguistics, prosody) Distraction; the separation of a vowel, often a diphthong, into two distinct syllables.
diaeresis n. (Prosody) A natural break in rhythm when a word ends at the end of a metrical foot, in a line of verse.
PARURESISparuresis n. The inability to urinate in the presence of others.
PARURESIS n. a type of phobia in which the sufferer is unable to urinate in the presence of others.
RESISTANTresistant n. A person who resists; especially a member of a resistance movement.
resistant n. A thing which resists.
resistant adj. Which makes resistance or offers opposition.
RESISTENTresistent adj. (Less common) Alternative form of resistant.
resistent n. Misspelling of resistant.
RESISTENT adj. making resistance.
RESISTERSresisters n. Plural of resister.
RESISTER n. one who resists.
RESISTINGresisting v. Present participle and gerund of resist.
resisting n. Resistance.
RESIST v. to strive against, oppose.
RESISTIVEresistive adj. (Rare) Tending to resist (against something or someone); resistant.
resistive adj. (Electronics) Acting as a resistor; resisting the passage of electrical current.
resistive adj. (Electronics) Of an electronic circuit: consisting only of resistors and power sources; having no inductance…
RESISTORSresistors n. Plural of resistor.
RESISTOR n. a device in an electric circuit.
SYNERESISsyneresis n. Alternative spelling of synaeresis.
SYNERESIS n. the running together of vowels into a diphthong, also SYNAERESIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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