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There are 11 nine-letter words containing RDINE

CORDINERScordiners n. Plural of cordiner.
CORDINER n. (archaic) a shoemaker, also CORDWAINER.
CURDINESScurdiness n. The state or quality of being curdy.
CURDINESS n. the state of being curdy.
GABARDINEgabardine n. (Uncountable, countable) A type of woolen cloth with a diagonal ribbed texture on one side.
gabardine n. (Uncountable, countable) A similar fabric, made from cotton.
gabardine n. (Countable) A long cloak.
GABERDINEgaberdine n. Alternative form of gabardine (“long cloak”).
gaberdine n. Alternative form of gabardine (“textile”).
GABERDINE n. a closely woven twill fabric, also GABARDINE.
HABERDINEhaberdine n. Cod salted and dried.
HABERDINE n. a cod salted and dried.
HARDINESShardiness n. The quality of being hardy.
hardiness n. (Obsolete) Hardship; fatigue.
HARDINESS n. the state of being hardy.
INTERDINEinterdine v. (Intransitive) To eat with one another; used especially of people of different castes.
INTERDINE v. to eat together.
NERDINESSnerdiness n. The quality of being nerdy.
NERDINESS n. the state of being nerdy.
SOURDINESsourdines n. Plural of sourdine.
SOURDINE n. a mute or damper, also SORDINE, SORDINO.
TARDINESStardiness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being tardy.
tardiness n. (Countable) The result or product of being tardy.
TARDINESS n. the state of being tardy.
WORDINESSwordiness n. The excessive, often unnecessary, use of words.
WORDINESS n. the state of being wordy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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