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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing RONIC

CHRONICSchronics n. Plural of chronic.
CHRONIC n. a chronic invalid.
HADRONIChadronic adj. (Physics) of, related to, or composed of hadrons.
HADRONIC adj. relating to a hadron.
HYDRONIChydronic adj. Being or relating to a heating system that involves circulating hot water or steam.
HYDRONIC adj. pertaining to heating and cooling by water.
INTRONICintronic adj. Of or pertaining to introns.
INTRONIC adj. of or like an intron, an intervening sequence in the genetic code.
IRONICALironical adj. Characterized by or constituting (any kind of) irony.
ironical adj. Given to the use of irony; sarcastic.
ironical adj. (Obsolete) Feigning ignorance; simulating lack of instruction or knowledge; exhibiting Socratic irony.
NEURONICneuronic adj. Neuronal.
NEURONIC adj. of or like a neuron, also NEURONAL.
OPTRONICoptronic adj. Optoelectronic.
OPTRONIC adj. pertaining to the science concerned with electronics and light.
UNIRONICunironic adj. Not ironic; free of irony. Sincere or genuine.
UNIRONIC adj. not ironic.
VERONICAveronica n. (Roman Catholicism) The image of Jesus’s face believed to have been made on the cloth with which St…
veronica n. (Bullfighting) A circular swinging movement of the cape, used to avoid the bull.
veronica n. (Botany) A flower of the genus Veronica, usually having blue petals.
VIBRONICvibronic adj. (Physics) Describing relationships between electronic and vibrational motions or quantum states.
VIBRONIC adj. caused by electronic vibration.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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