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There are 12 eight-letter words containing RINGL

BORINGLYboringly adv. In a boring manner.
CARINGLYcaringly adv. In a caring manner.
CARINGLY adj. in the manner of showing concern.
CRINGLEScringles n. Plural of cringle.
CRINGLE n. a loop at the corner of a sail to which a line is attached.
DARINGLYdaringly adv. In a daring manner.
DARING adv. brave, audacious.
ERRINGLYerringly adv. In an erring manner; with mistakes or sins.
ERRING adv. mistaken.
LURINGLYluringly adv. So as to lure or tempt; enticingly.
RINGLESSringless adj. Without a ring.
RINGLESS adj. without a ring.
RINGLETSringlets n. Plural of ringlet.
RINGLET n. a small ring.
RINGLETYringlety adj. Characterised by ringlets.
RINGLETY adj. resembling or suggestive of a ringlet.
RINGLIKEringlike adj. Like a ring; round or nearly so.
RINGLIKE adj. like a ring.
SPRINGLEspringle n. (Rare) a trap to catch animals, using a spring mechanism.
springle v. (Rare) to sprinkle.
SPRINGLE n. a snare with a noose and spring, also SPRINGE.
TRINGLEStringles n. Plural of tringle.
TRINGLE n. a curtain-rod for a bedstead.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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