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There are 12 eight-letter words containing RIDER

DERIDERSderiders n. Plural of derider.
DERIDER n. one who derides.
FLORIDERFLORID adj. flowery; having a ruddy or highly coloured complexion.
HAGRIDERHAGRIDER n. one who hagrides.
HORRIDERhorrider adj. Comparative form of horrid: more horrid.
HORRID adj. nasty, repellent.
JOYRIDERjoyrider n. A person who goes on a joyride.
JOYRIDER n. one who joyrides.
LOWRIDERlowrider n. A vehicle, usually a passenger car, with its suspension system modified so that it rides as low to level…
lowrider n. (Slang) The driver or a frequent passenger of such a vehicle.
LOWRIDER n. a car having a lowered suspension.
MANRIDERMANRIDER n. a paddy train.
OUTRIDERoutrider n. A guide or escort, especially one who rides in advance.
outrider n. One who rides out on horseback to inspect a ranch etc.
outrider n. (Figurative) A forerunner.
PERIDERMperiderm n. (Botany) The outer layer of plant tissue comprising the phellem, phellogen and the phelloderm.
periderm n. (Zoology) The perisarc; the hard outer layer of hydroids and other marine animals.
PERIDERM n. an outer layer of plant tissue.
STRIDERSstriders n. Plural of strider.
Striders prop.n. Plural of Strider.
STRIDER n. one who strides.
TORRIDERtorrider adj. Comparative form of torrid: more torrid.
TORRID adj. extremely hot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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